IFA MAGAZINE • N. 2 GIUGNO 2015 • Innovation for architecture

IFA Magazine: insights, new ideas and tips that may be of help to the posers, the builders, the building warehouses to retailers, but also professionals.

IFA’s mission is to create a constant bridge between the design and the use of the items we manufacture and place on the market; this formula becomes perfect if we add the word “responsible” to the word “production”.

However, responsibility should not only be understood as the excellence of manufactured goods, or their ability to solve problems; responsibility is also the culture of users themselves and the designers who define specifications of varying complexity.

This responsible production, then, this culture, this moral to create high-performance products, must be upheld by manufacturers in the first place, because before profits, turnovers, or budgets, there should not only be the satisfaction of having done something, but especially the priceless feeling of having “done it well”.

Alberto Cocco


Eternoivica s.r.l