Eterno Ivica dans « support » de la Fuorisalone 2015
Quelques minutes de marche de trois ans et de la gare de Cadorna, dans la Cour du XVIIe siècle du Palazzo Litta, trouvé sa position particulière de la mise en scène par Marcio Kogan-fondateur de designer de renommée internationale- et MK27 brésilien produit par Carey, un chef de file dans l’extraction et le traitement des pierres et marbres.

Eterno Ivica for A Matter of Perception 2017
The self-leveling system "Pedestal SE" of Eterno Ivica protagonist in Milan - Fuorisalone 2017

Eterno Ivica at Expo 2015
Eterno Ivica with many partners, has provided supports for more than 500 square metres of flooring at the Technogym Area, halls and the services centre

Eterno Ivica always engaged on multiple fronts
Collaboration with the University of Trieste for a three-year to a research project.

A Matter of Perception - Tradition & Technology 2016
Eterno Ivica partner of the A Matter of Perception "Tradition & Technology" project, in collaboration with MoscaPartners and DAMN °, in Palazzo Litta - Milan - from 12 to 17 April 2016. 32,000 visitors in 6 days